Occvlta philosophia : von den verborgenen philosophischen Geheimnussen der heimlichen Goldblumen vnd lapidis philosophorum, was derselbige, vnd wie zu Erlangung dessen zu procediren, aussführlicher Bericht in einem philosophischen Gespräch verfasset : sampt der Schmaragd Taffel, Paraboln, symbolis, vnd 18. sonderbaren Figuren der hochberühmten Philosophen Hermetis Trismegisti vnd F. Basilii Valentini durch welche diese Kunst der philosophischen Goldblumen vollkomlich erkläret an Tag gegeben


Occvlta philosophia : the hidden philosophical secret nuts clandestine gold flowers vnd lapidis philosophorum what same also vnd as to obtain the to procediren , verfasset aussführlicher report in a philosophical conversation : sampt the Schmaragd Taffel , Paraboln , symbolis , vnd 18 odd characters of illustrious where philosophers Hermetis Trismegisti vnd F. Basilii Valentini through which this art of philosophical gold flowers Expound vollkomlich on day

by Hermes, Trismegistus; Basilius Valentinus. Aureliae occultae philosophorum partes duae

Published 1613


T.p. in red and black

1st pt. has caption title: Das erste Theil, ein colloquium oder Gesprech zwischen einem alten vnd jungen Studenten. 2nd pt. has special t.p., with title: Das ander Theil Avreliae occvltae philosophorvm

13 allegorical woodcuts in 2nd pt., each followed by an explanation in verse. Two woodcut title vignettes, on main t.p. (with date 1605) and on special t.p. of 2nd pt. Vignette on main t.p. depicts Senior and Adolphus, the participants in the dialog that constitutes the 1st pt. Vignette on t.p. of 2nd pt. has allegorical depiction of Atlas, incorporating explanatory text. Headpieces, initials

Hogart, R. Alchemy

Publisher Gedruckt zu Franckfurt am Mayn : Durch Johann Bringern
Year 1613
Pages 96
Language German



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