Excerpted from "Vol 2 - Das Kloster" ,  published by Johanas Scheible


presented by Stephen Romano

featuring the art of

India Evans
Lori Field
Gemma Gary
Alexis Palmer Karl 
Tiffany Hsiang
Olga Frobe Kapteyn
Tine Kindermann 
Erna Kd 
Cendrine Rovini
Gigi Spratley
Jaya Suberg 
Luciana Lupe Vasconcelos
Inge Vandormael
Kim Bo Yung

JUNE 22, 23, 24 2018
opening reception 
June 22, 6 - 10pm



The at once playful and equally menacing creature drawings of Gigi Spratley.

Stephen Romano Gallery is pleased to present "GENUS SORORUM" in association with The Living Gallery Outpost in New York's Lower East Side, an exhibition of images and works by artists which deal with themes of witchcraft, magic, esoterica, alchemy, spells, conjuring, divination, incantation, necromancy, occultism, theosophy, prophecy, soothsaying, sorcery, thaumaturgy, voodoo, abracadabra and hocus-pocus, all for the purpose of opening your third eye.

This exhibition represent the final installment a trilogy of curatorial laboratories, which began with "The Devil's House" in October 2017, and was followed by "Coven of the Sibylline" in November 2017. The premise behind these exhibition has been an exploration of esoteric art, both contemporary and historical, and the role of the artist as shamanic presence in our culture.

All of the living artists in the exhibition are women. Any other objects or ephemera are by deceased or unknown makers who are presumed deceased.


Alexis Palmer Karl whose art was recently featured at Pratt Institute, SCOPE ART FAIR, and Catland Books.


“I think that all women are witches, in the sense that a witch is a magical being. And a wizard, which is a male version of a witch, is kind of revered, and people respect wizards. But a witch, my god, we have to burn them. It’s the male chauvinistic society that we’re living in for the longest time, 3,000 years or whatever. And so I just wanted to point out the fact that men and women are magical beings. We are very blessed that way, so I’m just bringing that out. Don’t be scared of witches, because we are good witches, and you should appreciate our magical power.” Yoko Ono.


Brazilian occult artist Luciana Lupe Vasconcelos.


Participating artist Alexis Palmer Karl said of the exhibition "There are works, that when shown together, become a living breathing entity: the parts of the whole corresponding in form and spirit with one another. This is so with Genus Sorurum, where the thirteen artists define all that it means to exist in this world as a woman; illustrating the passage of life itself, from the geometric perfection of our very beginnings, to the stark resonance of our impending mortality. The artists illustrate the passage of time and ultimate magic of existence. The works are spells, sacred and shamanic in their feminine presence, while effectively drawing forth each artist into the realm of the immortal as they persistently echo into our future…calling. “Look! I am here!”


The exhibition opens Friday June 22 from 6pm - 10pm and continues from 12 noon - 9pm Saturday June 23 and Sunday June 24 2018.


Objects and Artists in the exhibition include:


The illustrious art of French artist Cendrine Rovini whose works have been featured in Juxtapoz magazine.

Indonesian self taught artist Erna Kd from her series of ball point pen drawings of sorceresses.

Unknown Photographer, circa 1930's, American.

India Evans, who was recently featured at SCOPE ART FAIR in New York and had a solo exhibition open in Rome.

A recent feature on the artist at Disinfo.com can be found here.


Oregon self taught visionary artist Kim Bo Yung, who has participated in many exhibitons with Stephen Romano, including

"Welcome to the Dreamtime", "Saint Bowie", and has been exhibited at The Outsider Art Fair in New York.

Hans Baldung Grien "The Witches Sabbath" date unknown

Excerpted from Les Diableries Érotiques, 1920 edition.

Extraordinary photo montage of German photographic artist Jaya Suberg

Excerpt from "Faust's Magia Naturalis" by Karl Kohl,  published by Johanas Scheible.

Fertility Figure, mid 20th century, found in Detroit.

The art of Gemma Gary

Tiffany Hsiang was featured in previous curatorial project with Stephen Romano

such as "The Devil's House" and "The Coven of the Sibyline".

Internationally renowned painter Lori Field whose art has been exhibited at The Outsider Art Fair for many years

he astonishing art of sacred geometry of Inge Vandormael, who participated in the exhibition "Saint Bowie"

Tine Kindermann whose artistic and musical journey has led her to share the stage with Iggy Pop.



Theodule Ribot (1823 – 1891) "The Witches"  circa 1935